0,00 €
El Fantasma de la ópera

Tickets El Fantasma de la ópera


Only tickets

Hotel + tickets

Train + tickets

Train + Hotel + tickets

Are you more than 10 people? Ask for your group price here!

See Round Train Prices
El Fantasma de la ópera
El Fantasma de la ópera
El Fantasma de la ópera
El Fantasma de la ópera

El Fantasma de la Ópera, the musical

El Fantasma de la Ópera is the longest-running musical on Broadway and the most performed musical in the world. With music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe and text by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Richard Stilgoe, based on the novel of the same name by Gaston Leroux.

This musical is a romantic story about Christine Daaé, a soprano, a promising young opera singer, who becomes the lead singer at the Opera Populaire theatre in Paris at the insistence and obsession of Erik, a man tormented by his facial deformity, obsessed with musical perfection and now also with Christine's voice. He hides in the lower levels of the theatre and everyone believes him to be a ghost, the Phantom of the Opera. He falls in love with her and his jealousy of her suitor and his obsession with Christine's success at the opera, leads him to terrorise the company and commit increasingly tragic acts among the theatre workers and performers.

El Fantasma de la ópera
El Fantasma de la ópera
El Fantasma de la ópera
El Fantasma de la ópera

Frequently asked questions about El Fantasma de la ópera





Information about the purchase of El Fantasma de la ópera

Train + Ticket
Hotel + Ticket
Train + Hotel + Ticket

Train plus tickets for El Fantasma de la ópera

What's included?

Return train ticket from chosen origin to Madrid. You can choose date and time
Tickets for the musical. You can choose date and seat

How does it work?

Simply print out the train tickets and tickets that we will send to your email after purchase to board the train and enter the theatre.

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